Why PPP Will Win In Punjab Next Year?

Next general elections are almost here, every party is busy concocting the plans to secure maximum seats. PPP has already initiated their campaign without any further ado.

It still appears to be a dubious assumption that they’ll be successful in Punjab and will also be able to secure a handsome number in the capital Islamabad. However, a few points attempt to dispel the aforementioned doubt.

First, Asif Zardari has been absolved from all the cases – the legit and political both. This has influenced the angry PPP voter; now he can defend his party again and this time more convincingly. Zardari’sacquittal means for now he has no threat in living in Pakistan and can move freely without giving any thought to some random arrest warrant issued against him. He is, in fact, milking all the advantage from this decision already. From meeting disheartened party workers to pulling a massive crowd in his rallies, he is playing it not on chance but with a strategy. In recent few rallies organized by the party, the numbers of attendants cut the digit at which they used to be in the peak years of PPP.

And SECONDLY WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT.The fall of Nawaz Sharif is going to be the pivotal point of PPP’s success in next general elections. The timing of ouster suits the rivals, it couldn’t be better. The time of preparation and campaign is being consumed by hearings, the energies are being consumed on matters other than the elections. The family feud is at its worst. Both families apparently are behaving normally, but the conflict in opinion exists. One camp is totally opposed to the views of the other. Unfortunately, this has now started making the opportunists in the party panic. Many claims are surfacing every day that scores of members are almost ready to take the flight and land in some other party which can guarantee them a victory. If the matters linger on and the PML-N debacle didn’t get a remedy, chances are that in accordance with the policy of survival, many will leave and may join PTI or PPP
